How to get over your fear, get visible and just go for it!
The quickest way to achieve self confidence is to do exactly what you’re afraid to do.
When I was a little girl I used to dream of two things.
My first dream was to be a radio show presenter.
I used to record all the music and then record the voice overs. I would also put on a funny accent (normally a really terrible impression of someone from Hollywood) and pretend to interview myself.
My second dream was to travel the world. I sat in my room and stared at my wall which had a big world map and planned all the places I would go and experiences I would have.
I had no idea how I was going to do all of this. I lived in a little village in the Derbyshire countryside in England where most girls got married to one of the boys in the village, raised a family and never left.
We weren’t poor and we weren’t rich. We didn’t have any connections that would make this happen for me.
Now fast forward 35 years later and I look back on my life and all the amazing experiences I’ve had. I’ve travelled to the most fantastic places AND I have a Radio Show!
The power of visualisation and manifestation never ceases to amaze me.
But learning how to present my power, finding my authentic voice and speaking on stage and video has enabled me to do this.
This is my dream. My dream is to impact millions and that’s what I’m doing right now.
None of that would have happened if I’d had just thought to myself…..”You know what, I don’t think I’d be good enough to host a radio show or I won’t have enough money to travel the world.”
If I’d have done that I’d have given in to my fear.
My life mantra has always been, I won’t let fear hold me back.
So I jumped at the chance to interview Jo Hausman who is a fellow Voice America Radio Show Host with a show called ‘Go for It!’
Jo is also an entrepreneur, business coach, successful author and motivational speaker.
Her book is called ‘Go For It, A Woman’s Guide to Perseverance’ and Jo certainly walks her talk.
Having lost her father at an early age, being raised single handedly by her mother and then losing her husband to a terminal illness, her experiences have shaped her life and in our interview she shared the importance of getting over the hurdles to get on to the next phase of life.
It has also shaped her business. In fact, the overarching story in her book is achieving greatness after grief.
Get Visible And Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Jo is a business and life coach and one of the things she teaches is how to get visible on social media.
Jo says, “So many people are afraid to promote themselves on social media…It’s about overcoming that fear. If you want your life and business to grow then get out of your comfort zone!”
She goes one to explain that a good practice for social media is the 80/20 rule. “20% is business, 80% is personal….talking about your family or yourself. Asking a question, getting a reaction and engagement.”
“Always think WIIFT, what’s in it for them. What can I do to help them.”
Fear is the biggest obstacle
Jo believes that fear is the biggest obstacle in the way of growing your business and creating the life of your dreams.
Fear of failure, fear of people talking badly about you and criticising you when you fail.
“I always teach my clients, the people who criticise you are not going to pay your bills. Focus on the people who you can help.”
“And just keep creating content. The more people watch and listen to you the more they’re going to get comfortable with you and will talk about you in a positive way AND recommend you to others”
Keep producing the content and you will help people!

So what are the daily practices that Jo recommends to keep fear at bay, overcome your limiting beliefs so you can get visible and grow your business?
1) Journaling — Write down whatever pops in to your head, whether it’s negative or positive. You’re cleansing your body and mind. Writing down your feelings will help you get rid of all the negative thoughts that are keeping you small and ‘safe’.
2) Exercising your mind and body — Meditate to quieten your mind and then go outside and get some fresh air because it will let your stress and anxiety out.
3) Be grateful — When you’re happy and grateful life is better. When there’s peace on the inside there’s happiness on the outside.
Her final thought?

To hear more from Jo on how to how to get over your fear, get visible and just go for it, listen to her full interview HERE

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