What does it really take to be a successful entrepreneur? (AND an amazing presenter)


Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing Dennis G Shaver for a weekly radio show I host on Voice America Empowerment Channel called Present Your Power.

Dennis G Shaver is a best selling international author, entrepreneurial leadership and mindset expert.

Dennis is also a great speaker. I first saw him on stage at a big event in San Diego, California where he spoke about his journey as an entrepreneur and how he helps others achieve their dreams.

Stories connect

Even though I’d known Dennis for some time, this was the first time I’d seen him speak on stage and what struck me was what a great story teller he is.

I especially love how he takes stories from his upbringing on a dairy farm and uses them to demonstrate how to apply mindset, strategy and action to business.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I often talk about the power of stories, as stories connect (and connection is currency) and Dennis demonstrates this beautifully.

Start with a plan

Dennis grew up on a dairy farm, raised by a German father and Polish mother. He describes his upbringing as “entrepreneurial”. Dairy farming of course is a thriving business and with all businesses, it starts with a plan.

His biggest lesson from growing up on a farm? “If it is to be then it really starts with me”.

First you have a plan, then you plant the seed, then you cultivate but make sure you take out the weeds.

Just like business; you seed an idea, you cultivate the idea without letting the weeds (negative thoughts) grow.

All of this ensures you have a comfortable harvest!

You have to have the right mindset

Dennis is a big believer in having the right mindset. He built a 7 figure business from scratch, lost it all and has now built another one. His advice;

“Everything starts with mindset. I looked at what was possible, instead of what I was stuck in. Knowing I’m more than deserving of having that. As soon as I started thinking of that, that’s when things started to shift and change”.

The Entrepreneurial Success Formula

Dennis has an entrepreneurial success formula with 3 steps to succeed:

  • Ready — Start with a growth mindset and an open mind by preparing.
  • Aim — Obtaining the right skillset and setting yourself up to succeed.
  • Action — Act on all the resources.

Dennis knew he was destined to speak on big stages.

A dream to serve the masses

It all started with having a dream. Having a dream to serve the masses.

Just recently he was asked to speak on a big stage at an event in Singapore, called Think, Act, Prosper.

In our interview Dennis shares a wealth of knowledge that will help you when speaking on stage. Here are three:

  1. Move around, get that energy going and the nerves out of your body. Walk around the crowd, make eye contact.
  2. Speak to solve your audiences challenges, speak to serve others. Cause a transformation for those people, create aha moments.
  3. Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s better to be authentic than perfect

To hear more from Dennis about his go-to strategies for growing a 7 figure business and speaking on stage AND how nurturing the crop, 3 ears of corn and salting the horse can be applied to business, you can catch the full interview HERE.

Dennis can be found at dennisgshaver.com

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